Exclusive offer for 2023 Boulderthon participants to try UCAN, the official nutrition and hydration partner of Boulderthon 2023! Get FREE UCAN samples below and just pay shipping!
Choose from one of the following Sample Pack options:
- Edge Sample Pack: 4 energy gels, 1 of each of our 4 flavors
- Hydrate Sample Pack: 12 Hydrate packets, 3 each of our 4 flavors
- Training Starter Pack: 1 Hydrate + Aminos packet, 1 Watermelon Hydrate packet, 2 Tropical Orange Energy Powder packets, 2 Edge energy gels (1 Pineapple, 1 Strawberry Banana)
* FREE sample coupon auto-applied at checkout. Pay $9.95 for shipping. Limit of 1 sample box per order, no more than 1 sample box per customer. Offer only valid for U.S. customers.